Emergencies: Call 911 | Non-Emergencies: 856-833-6200 (During Normal Business Hours); 856-854-0011 (24/7 Support)
The Haddon Township Police Department is committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective, and impartially applied. It is in the best interests of all individuals that a complaint about the performance of an individual officer is resolved fairly and promptly. The Haddon Township Police Department has formal procedures for investigating your complaint. These procedures outlined below are designed to ensure fairness and protect the rights of both citizens and law enforcement officers:
Civilian Complaint Information Sheet (translated into several languages)
To file a complaint, the public can utilize the Internal Affairs Report Forms below.
Members of the public can also file complaint to any supervisor 24-hours a day using our non-emergency contact 856-854-0011, call the Internal Affairs Division at 856-833-6202 or make a complaint in person at HTPD.
The Haddon Township Police Department's Affairs Division working hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hours you may call 856-833-6205 to leave a message. You will receive a return call during business hours from our office.
Please include as much of the following information as possible in your complaint.
We take every complaint very seriously. However, if a complaint is found to be fabricated and maliciously pursued, the complainant may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil proceedings.
Corrective Action
If the Internal Affairs investigation indicates the officer has committed a violation, corrective action commensurate with the severity of the violation will be taken. Mitigating circumstances may be considered by the Chief of Police in determining appropriate penalties. Discipline under the rules and regulations will not be based on any employee's race, color, political affiliation, sex, disability, or age. Action taken by the Internal Affairs Division may involve:
Counseling (non-discipline)
Remedial training (non-discipline)
Written reprimand
Reduction in rank
After an investigation is completed, less severe discipline (written reprimand and five or less days suspension) is administered directly by the Chief of Police. More serious discipline (suspension for more than five days, reduction in rank, or termination) will be imposed if the officer is found guilty at a disciplinary hearing. In the event the member is subject to a disciplinary hearing, the complainant and witnesses may be called to testify. They will be notified in writing by the Internal Affairs Division when the complaint has been resolved.
However, the exact discipline imposed is a confidential personnel matter and will not be revealed to the complainant. Members of the Department will have the right to appeal the Chief's decision.
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2014
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2015
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2016
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2017
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2018
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2019
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2020
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2021
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2022
Internal Affairs Summary Report 2023